Thursday, January 24, 2008

I was Tagged !! 7 Random Things about ME :)

Here goes.....

#1 I don't like the taste of toothpaste. Don't worry, I still brush my teeth everyday. I only do it because I have to, not because I like it.

#2 I hate it when anyone touches my BellyButton. Just feels like their finger is going all the way through and it just makes my skin crawl!!

#3 I hate to read, and it's been YEARS since I finished a book cover to cover.. Angela are we sisters for sure ???? We should check......

#4 My 3 biggest Fears..... Having one of my kids or close loved one die, Being first person to the scene of a deadly accident, and having to break up with a boyfriend ( I hate, hate, hate to do this)

#5 The worst job at home for me is matching Socks. I hate it and usually use it as punishment for my kids. I always have a big laundry basket full of socks in my bedroom to be matched up.

#6 I am a really good kisser :) Not that any of you care to know. lol (I'm obviously running out of things to say)

#7 I like to go to the bathroom with the door open. Unless it's a public restroom I always leave the door open. I also go to the bathroom all the time while talking on the phone.

There you go, 7 very Random things about Anita :)

I am tagging anyone who wants to do this. I suggest doing it, it's very fun.


Tiffany said...

Umm, Yeah.. So how many times a night that we talk are you REALLY going to the bathroom.. Dang.. your good!(and I didnt even hear you!) So for your birthday, I will make sure to get you LOTS of toothpaste! jk.. Love ya!

Angela said...

Yep, we're related. I know your a bookworm at heart.

Chance & Leslee Lundgren said...

HEy hot mamma! How are you? So, did I ever tell you HOLY THANK YOU for my wedding present.. It was by far my favorite! You are so awesome! How is life?? anything new.. anyONE new???